четверг, 23 января 2020 г.


The configured Oracle Solaris 11 publisher, Solaris, does not support the version of Oracle Solaris 11 that is installed on this system. Email Required, but never shown. Afterward, review status and firmware version, optionally add appropriate tags to the asset, eg. You can override settings at deployment. Select Install Software, choose a software profile, and then replicate the step to install more software profiles. Enterprise Controller, proxy Controller and a Repository. Rui F Ribeiro solaris opscenter

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Solaris 11 ops center installation errors Ask Question. Enterprise Controller, proxy Controller and a Repository.

solaris opscenter

Afterward, review status and firmware version, optionally add appropriate tags to the asset, eg. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

solaris opscenter

Removing this package will result in an unsupported system. Sign up using Facebook. How do we handle problem users?

Solaris 11 ops center installation errors - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

You can override settings at deployment. Repeat for additional "software install" and "Post install" actions, eg. Proper system update and correct package selection depend on the presence of this incorporation. The configured Oracle Solaris 11 publisher, Solaris, does not support the version of Oracle Solaris 11 that is installed on this system.

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Select Install Software, choose a software profile, and then replicate the step to install more software profiles. Rui F Ribeiro Oracle Ops Opscentrr Example Oracle Ops Center can be used to deploy, maintain and manage assets including Solaris operating environments, virtualized environments and harware systems. Sign up to join this community.

I am trying to install ops center on my test server but whenever I start the installation, I get: Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Asked 1 year, 7 months ago.

solaris opscenter

I am trying to install ops center on my test server but whenever I start the installation, I get:. Wait for the login page to return? Maintain the deployment plan, include patch tasks so that new servers are deployed at the same patch revision as maintained server.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. September 29, Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. I'm wondering if you don't have a valid publisher defined.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center

All three components can exist on the same server. Just tried to install local repository and my Solaris 11 knowledge is limited.

Solari more information see: Sign up using Email and Password.

You may need to disable cert checking in java config, if this is flagged in the log. Worth expanding the question to include the version of ops center you're trying to install and exactly which version of Solaris 11 you've got.

Your server should be accessible on the LAN in a couple of hours. Post as a guest Name. Installation 1 Install Oracle 64bit client, added tnsnames. Email Required, but never shown. Select Upgrade, then version.

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