суббота, 18 января 2020 г.


All the crooks will just write their own low level jars and legitimate coders will just have to do the same I guess. It's available, but it's not included in the official API so e. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Pretty annoying, but hardly surprising since my bug report was denied. A download is not possible!

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It's in german but it worked for me, so I give a short translation here: I've asked Sun back in the day multiple times to include the javax. Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. Artifact jnasmartcardio Group io. And you cannot add your own as it may be present for a particular edition. Artifact json-remote-emv Group smartcaddio.

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Sign up using Email and Password. May Newest version Yes Organization not specified URL Not specified License not specified Dependencies amount 3 Dependencies apdu4j-pcscjopt-simplejson-remote-emvThere are maybe transitive dependencies! I'm using eclipse 3. Please understand that we have to compensate our server costs.

Please choose another version. I was in the same situation as you were but then I found this http: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. You can use Eclipse access rules to enable javax. Is there a way of linking Eclipse to the javadocs for smartcardio? Same goes for the JavaDoc of smartcardio. Email Required, but never shown.

Download all versions of jnasmartcardio JAR files with all dependencies

Maarten Bodewes Maarten Bodewes A re-implementation of the javax. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Download JAR files tagged by smartcardio with all dependencies. Artifact apdu4j-testing Group com.

Artifact apdu4j-pcsc Group com. That site is "under construction" smartcarsio doesn't show anything Sun and Oracle don't really communicate well regarding security API's.

Download JAR files tagged by smartcardio with all dependencies

Pretty annoying, but hardly surprising since my bug report was denied. It's available, but it's not included in the official API so e. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Just unpack the docs, merge them, and possibly pack them again. Post as a guest Name. Many resources are needed to download a project.

Artifact apdu4j-core Group com.

I've reintegrated them with the core documentation a few times already. Eclipse cannot find the package from the internal help function. Artifact apdu4j Group com. Sign up using Facebook. How do we handle problem users?

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