среда, 22 января 2020 г.


If you were invited with a public link, this information is not displayed to the developer. Announcing LK running on Android. So here is why Mateusz Pusz is completely wrong:. It is beta 6. On the beginning we are going back to Setup system menu, and we have to provide waypoints database file. lk8000

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Waypoints order should match exactly what is on the board. My I add to the pleas for an Ok8000 version? When all waypoints are added, we can go and set up start task attributes. Visualises the glider traffic of the "Open Glider Network".

If you do not accept your email invitation, the beta app will not be installed and you will not be listed as a tester, and Apple will not take any action with respect to your email address. Install lk800 app you want to test.

The one you select will replace what you currently have installed. For any waypoint, you can add additional full screen notes with long text descriptions. Once you know it, you never leave it.

Testing Apps with TestFlight

LK can be configured to act as a navigator for free flight gliding, paragliding, lk88000for light aircraft general aviationand also for trekking and offroad!

ORG domain has been hijacked for more than five years, and the story was neverending. Announcing LK Nimbus development system We are happy to announce that the development lo8000 for LK is available for download! The LK website does not make any use of cookie for profiling people.

Join the LK beta - TestFlight - Apple

Your Privacy and Data When you test beta apps with TestFlight, Apple will collect and send crash logs, your personal information such as name and email address, usage information, and any feedback you submit to the developer. We can take a look how task looks on the map I have no topology maps loaded for that region.

A thumbnail of your screenshot appears in the lower-left corner of your device. Announcing LK running on Android. We are happy to announce that the development system for LK is available for download!


Data Description Email address The email address you were invited to test the lk80000 with. Opting Out If you do not accept your email invitation, the beta app will not be installed and you will not be listed as a tester, and Apple will not take any action with respect to your email address.

If You like it, please Donate.

If you kk8000 interested to experiment it, please visit our support forum for details. Only on devices running iOS 13 beta or later Comments The comments you share when providing feedback.

Testing Multiple Builds When viewing an app in TestFlight, you will see the latest available build by default. The status of your invitation. So now we can hit Analisys button and take a look if task distance is matching what is on the board. Set up Your units Set up Your time zone.

XCSoar and LK8000

Flying has never been safer! We are happy to announce that the porting to Linux and Kobo has progressed a lot thanks to the big work of Bruno, and we are now able lk800 compile and run LK on native linux platform and Kobo which is linux as well, in case you did not know.

Take a screenshot on your device. Included in all feedback Timezone The timezone your device is set to. I have benchmarked both with the same trace size, calculating this flight on a Core i running Linux.


Feed LK with waypoints. Has anybody tried to port xcsoar yet? Here we have to set up task start time and how long start window kk8000 open.


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